Thursday, August 27, 2015


The house has a dark side.

You're in the garage, having just left your car.  To your right is the door into the house (off screen).

What's that back there? Another door?

Let's get closer.

You are momentarily distracted by these pipes on the wall.  They used to be the washer hookups (the washer is in the kitchen now, where it belongs).  Probably these pipes don't do anything any more.

The door looks ok.  It's cool.  The varnish is in good condition. The handle is set 5" in, so it must be an original-to-the-house door.  There's a light switch on the wall next to it.

(There's another door to the right of it that leads to the rumpus room.)

Let's open the door!

The room is very small.  So small that you can't adequately take pictures of it.  The walls, floor, and ceiling are concrete.  There are no windows.  There is a lone bare bulb on the ceiling.

It is lined with shelves of various kinds.  There's some kind of dark fluid stains on the floor.  It does not smell like basement, but it is very cold in here. (in August!)

You close the door, turn off the light, and leave quickly.


  1. Replies
    1. But.... no drain or sink?

      Someone else suggested storm shelter, but it's too small for that.

  2. Pantry-root cellar-equivalent, for your canning.
