Tuesday, July 26, 2016


We've now owned this house for almost a year.  We're (almost!) done buying furniture and have moved on to decorations.

Check out these dapper foxes!  These are the curtains in the rumpus room and the office.

Do you know how hard it is to take photos of windows?  When it's light out, they're backlit.  When it's dark out, it's dimmer inside.  My camera really can take beautiful photos:
This is a gigantic naked floating toddler in Singapore, for example.  But I digress.

The boy picked this fabric for his curtains:
The top border is rainbow stripes.  Rainbow dog feet narrowly edged out rainbow stripes all over, but he was adamant that rainbows be the primary theme.

The girl has slightly more subdued tastes:

You can't tell, but there's gold edging picking out the feathers (?) or lobes (?) of these flower-like (?) things.  She also got some sheer teal butterflies for the center panel of her room, but there's no way I can get a good picture of that.

In the best tradition of pre-teen girls everywhere, she's sleeping as late as possible and would not stir when I told her it was picture time.   Check out this fantastic art she hung on her door!

I'm planning another post with more art details, but not for a couple of weeks -- I have some pieces from my trip to Singapore and Borneo at the framers' right now, and I want to wait until they're up.

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